Old Age


It’s good to have a chance to sit down and write. I may not have long, so I will try to be brief!

I am in the stage of life where I often alternate between taking care of my aging parent (91) and my precious grandchildren. (Ages soon to be born-9 yrs.) When my first granddaughter was born, I felt stronger. I was of course, almost 10 years younger! Back then, it was my Mom who I cared for…now that she is gone, it is my Dad.

It’s hard to see your parents slowly lose their identity. This is especially true for those who do not have a close relationship with our Lord. Those who seek their identity in people and things. This was/is both of my parents. For my Mom, she curled up with the resentment of a lifetime of hurt, for my Dad, he still reaches to find acceptance from others.

I see myself in them both, they are in my genes, and influenced my youth. I am eternally grateful that my loving Father in heaven, rescued me from these things. They would have been my destruction. I chose to look up, and He pulled me out of the pit.

Many of us grow old (if we are given the time here) and must face the symptoms of aging. If we cling to God, He will continue to give us purpose, and provide what we need to accomplish it. I’ve always looked at aging as God’s mercy. For many, a lifetime is lived pursuing self. We get to the end of our rope, and we find that we can’t muster up what we really need. What we’ve been looking for all our lives. Our Savior.

So, in God’s loving mercy, He slowly strips away our reliance of self. This is when we might finally realize He is with us, and then take His hand.

I find this verse in Isaiah so comforting.

I’m so weary of the demands, and even the wounds of the past…but, I know that if I continue to look up, God will provide for me the compassion, perseverance, patience, wisdom and strength needed to be the daughter He calls me to be.

Click on the image above to print 🙂

Many hugs to those of you out there caring for the aging. It is hard, but we might each be there one day. I try to remember that, and love (with God’s help!) even when my flesh wants to run.

Much love,

23 thoughts on “Old Age

  1. Your post today refreshed my heart. I find myself in very similar circumstances and I am weary. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.



    1. Rika, thank you for reaching out. BIG virtual hugs to you Sister!! Do you have any help? I am praying for you and these circumstances. Know that the Lord will carry you through it! Keep asking Him for help dear friend. Much love to you❤️

  2. Oh Sue, thank you for this scripture! I am nearing 70, and I so remember my mom when she turned 70, no dad. They divorced when I was 6, and he died when I was 13. My Mom was independent and with in home help was able to live in her home until the last 5-8 months before she went home. I am going to share this scripture with my children. I have been a care giver to my husband since the fall 0f 2016. God is my strength and my encourager, and has been ever so close to me since this caregiving journey started. Without Him, the journey would be ever so much more difficult!
    I purchased your bible study, The Virtue of Contentment some months ago and have not started it, I just picked it up yesterday with the intent of starting it.
    God bless you dear sister in Christ, love all your doodles and art.

    1. Dearest Mary, I’m so amazed at how the Lord provides. Thank you for sharing your story with me, it is so encouraging to hear from faithful believers. I am sure that caring for your husband is a challenge for every bone, yet, it is out of love that you do it. What a beautiful expression of Ahava. This is the Hebrew word for “doing love” -the act of sacrifice it requires. God has blessed you Mary, with His eyes and His heart and He certainly has provided you with strength! I pray that the study will also be a source of comfort and strength as you meet with Him. Much love to Mary! Stay in touch❤️

  3. Dear Sue, good for you and your thoughts on your parents and us and Our Good Lord. I don’t know what I’d do without my Holy Faith! It has gotten me through such sadness at the loss of my good Father, Mother and Brother. I feel I am the most Blessed person, I am so grateful.

    Thank you for sending these email.mails out. I am an artist so I so appreciate what you do and draw and make. A gift from God! Another note, I am so blessed with three fine sons and a Husband who is my world. Our last name is Ingersoll, we live in a Evergreen Pk Il. My husbands good Sister is Sue Carroll! How funny I just wanted to e.mail you and I was looking for a name, and thus saw yours. Take care God Bless you and your good family. I help the elderly, the couple I am helping now whom are the Moriarity’s are awesome, Mr. is 96 and Mrs. 92. They live just a few blocks from me. They have 9 children and 1 is better than the next! I always remember what Mither Teresa said, “ Service is the highest form of Love” Have a great weekend. Carol Ingersoll As you can see brevity not in my vocabulary!

    Sent from Xfinity Connect App

    1. Carol, you are a treasure! How blesses are the Moriarity’s to be loved by you!!! Thanks so much for reaching out and sharing a bit about your story:) God has blessed you indeed! He has given you the eyes to see beyond your circumstance…such a gift! Hugs to you my artist friend in Illinois! Xoxo

  4. Omigosh Sue! What a beautiful way to describe caring for parents. The art brought tears to my eyes. I have just recently found myself suddenly in the position of caring for my dad. God is amazing and I see His hand at work starting 3 years ago to prepare me for this time. For the first time ever I’ve actually FELT love for my earthly father. What a change it made to now have to care for his health. May God bless you richly during this time in your life. I pray for energy, patience (lots and lots of patience) and that you persevere. I also pray that your dad’s heart would be softened and he’d grasp his God-given identity. Love you! Denise @psalmbirdee

    1. Oh Denise, because you have ears to hear, the Lord has given you insight into the way He has provided for you! This is such a faith strengthener, isn’t it?!! The Lord takes us places we can ever go by ourselves. Thank you for encouraging ME today!! Let’s continue to pray for each other…so grateful. Much love to you!!!

  5. Love this Sue! It’s great when you hear testimonies like this that relate to your own life. It is encouraging to be honest. Sometimes you feel like you have got to help them. They need you, the aging and the littles. But you’re tired. You’re spent physically and emotionally. Thank you for your encouraging words to remind us to lean on Him not only now as the care giver but also when we ourselves, will be cared for.

    1. Brenda, you are so thoughtful to stop and take time to encourage me today friend! We need to remind one another, right?! We all have days that can feel overwhelming and just too hard! A gentle reminder from a friend, is much needed! Thanks for being that for me, right back! Xoxo

  6. WOW! I so know what you are going through with taking care of an elderly parent while watching one die. Your truth and strength in this post is powerful. Thank you for bearing your soul because some of us don’t know how/what to feel. I’m going to put your print off in a place where I can see/read it daily. Thank you again. God bless.

    1. Pam, thanks for reaching out! We need to link arms and encourage one another, right?!! Thank you for taking the time to share with me Pam. Much love to you Sister!!! Xoxoxox

  7. HI Sue, I love this for a lot of reasons. I have some pictures to send you from our group. You will be amazed!!

  8. Dear Sweet Sister,
    My husband and I have been where you are now. We were the main caregivers for our mom’s. I don’t need to tell you have difficult it was, and how much we miss them. Both my husband and I called our mom’s, our mom’s, they were never called “your”mom. We did this out of love, for our dads, for our moms and our Heavenly Father. When they changed their addresses, (going home to live with The Lord) we didn’t have any regrets. Which is a blessing from the Lord. Our mom’s were difficult at times, as time got closer, they got more difficult. Our mom’s died six weeks apart. Things didn’t get any easier. We talked with the Lord a lot and with each other. During this time, take time to be with your dad, and your husband and The Lord.

  9. Hey Sue,
    2nd comment. Thanks you for sharing abut caring or your parents! God bless you on this journey, It. is not an easy one, but we have this opportunity thru it to pour out God’s love. You are certainly living out the commandment to “Honor your Father and Your Mother.” It has also give those of us who are on this care giving journey an opportunity to share. So many are on this journey, wonderful words of encouragement from others journey. God has used you through this post.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words Mary! Yes, the Lord provides what we need, and it is amazing that He chooses to allow us to participate in His good work ❤️ It’s at times like these, when believers do what God has called us to do, (encourage one another daily)that we fully see the necessity of the body! Boy oh boy, do we need one another…as the Lord designed! Each of you who has shared your heart here, has in turn, given me (and those who are following) the strength to take the next step!!! Thank you Sister. Much love to you!!!!

  10. Hi Sue
    I wanted to say that I entered that realm of a ” much mature’er age a few years back, and on the 5th I enjoyed another adventure in my journey of God’s gifting me long life. I am now 70, and I must say this number was not in my mind in the days of my youth, 16, 18, 21 …but although I can and do laugh and say to friends and love ones ” I did not see this one coming,” God has taught me to embrace everyday that He gifts to me. Life is even more wonderful, there are pit falls to be sure, to be avoided, and different health and relational trails to be navigated, I am never alone, for He is always leading and guiding as long as I continue to invite Him in as my guide. 70, who would of
    thunk ? lol, where did the time go ? I still have purpose, for He has not finished with me yet, I press on in Jesus’ name.

    Be Blessed Sue, and thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us who are drawing challenged. I will use the one’s in my e-mail and create a devotional (personal), during my study time.

    Stay Safe to you and yours.

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