Where you go, I will go:)


As we continue to study the Virtue of Contentment, I am constantly reminded of the daily challenges so many of my Sisters in Christ are facing.

When you come together to grow deeper in your relationship with God and with others, walls begin to come down, lies the enemy uses to confuse are exposed, truth can be revealed and burdens can be shared.

It is a beautiful thing (a Christ like thing) to find that someone else wants to come along side you…not just in the good times, but through the REALLY HARD STUFF too.

I watch women, one after another, step up to be Ruth for another.

I’ve recently witnessed many who are coming along side someone they’ve just met.

God’s provision for us often comes through our neighbor’s hands and feet.

Oh, Ruth…you were so humble, so loyal…

one who put aside herself for the benefit of another.

I pray to be more like Ruth.

“I will go where you go”…even when it’s hard.



Let know one think MORE of Me than he SEES IN me.


In our study on Contentment this week we are looking at 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, but if you go back a bit, Paul describes a miraculous encounter with the Lord as He shows Paul visions and revelations.

The disciple explains, that it is easy to get “caught up” in the miraculous…to grab some of the glory for oneself.

There can be such a fine line between exalting the Lord and exalting ourselves. As we continue to seek contentment in the Lord, I pray that we will all learn to celebrate our weaknesses as we experience God meeting us IN THEM to lift us up…our response can only be praise to Him who deserves all glory:)

Paul goes on to warn his brothers in Christ further, reminding them that they have forgotten where they were headed and turned back to old ways.  He warns against the division that stems from their self centered focus, and pleads with them to LOVE one another …to greet each other with a Holy Kiss….Love like this tears down walls, builds bridges, & can only come from one source.


“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and the LOVE of GOD be with you.”  -2Cor 13:14.


Blessings to you and prayers that we will set aside petty differences and dig deep for the source we have available -to LOVE ALL people.


Doodle 101 / FLAME / “We get to decide”


Happy Friday!

If you’ve never been to my blog before, I try to add new “Doodle 101’s” each week to help you get started with your Bible Journaling.

Refer back to them anytime you want to create a memorial to God’s truth and you’re feeling a bit stuck on where to start.

This flame is the image I “saw” as I read Jennie Allen’s quote over and over… “Fires are lit in our lives and they can burn to shine light or cause destruction. WE GET TO DECIDE!”

As I study the Virtue of Contentment, this feels so pertinent…especially when looking at the life of Paul.

He endured many great trials, and in Philippians 1 we find Paul in prison…and instead of turning inward with despair, He continues to find strength and hope in the Lord as He “faces the fire” and uses it not to destroy himself and those around him, but uses it to reach others for Christ! Only God could do that:)

12 “I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. 14 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.”

Can I get an AMEN?!

As we trust in the Lord and rely on Him to supply what we need, our trials of FIRE can BURN to shine LIGHT!


I’m so excited for our Women’s Conference next Saturday with Laura Story.  The day will be absolutely FILLED with testimony of God’s grace and love in the midst of fire.

Hope this lit a flame in you today!BAJ:FLAME:color:noborderBlessings,


Doodle 101 onto the page:)


Just like my laundry, my heart seems to get dirty everyday.  I am so very thankful that my Father knows this about me, and has a gReAt washing policy.  This verse is a constant reminder of my need for the spin cycle.

What a loving & merciful God we serve that allows us to “get dirty”

knowing that even in our rebellion,

His loveomatic is open 24/7.

Gratefully yours,



God blesses us in our obedience

BAJ:SteepPsalm119:Sue Carroll

As we obey…”to hear and listen in a state of submission,” respecting God’s authority, He BLESSES us!

“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.  I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.” -Psalm 119:15,16

This is just a “short list” (from Psalm 119) of God’s promise to bless…

Establishes our dignity and honor (5,6)

Purity…insulated from worldly influence (9-11)

Protects our minds (23,24)

Strength and comfort in sorrow (28,32)

Hope in suffering (49-50)

Leads back the lost (67)

Preserves life (92,93)

Wisdom (97-100)

Brightens our path (105,110)

Joy (11)

Deliverance (133,153)

Peace and Stability (165)

Father, increase our desire to STEEP in your word, which will cause our hearts to long for obedience…out of love and gratitude:)

Click HERE for the Doodle 101 used above:)


Doodle 101 / Jar



I was reading in John 12 about Mary..

“Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.”

– John 12:3

I’ve heard this story and have read it before, but the truth the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart this time related to the last sentence.

“The house was FILLED with the FRAGRANCE of the perfume.”

That hit me hard.  Is my home FILLED with the FRAGRANCE of LOVE born out of SACRIFICE?

I use this quote from GREG BOYD often, because it is one of my favorite definitions of LOVE.  Love is putting others BEFORE myself…there is a cost in that, YET our Heavenly Father BLESSES us through this kind of obedient sacrifice.  Can you believe that?!!!  He has designed our obedience to be challenging, yet the reward is FAR GREATER!

I want my home to be fragrant with the perfume of sacrifice, born out of LOVE.  When my family or friends walk in, I want them to smell it!

Praying for that reminder each day.

Hope you enjoy your weekend!  “Pour out” some LOVE on others!

