Seamless Study Review Sheets

Hello Friends!

We have a few weeks remaining in our (my church) Women’s Winter Bible Study Session SEAMLESS. Recently, Angie (Smith, the author of the study) shared that she grew up in my home town. (I didnt’ know that!) She actually attended the same school I did…but, MUCH later! Hahahahaha.

I can’t begin to tell you how much the ladies at my church have LOVED this study! Some even sharing that it is the BEST study they have ever done:)

I think one of the reasons for this, is the common stumbling block we all share. The Bible is a BIG book! It is a LONG story with incredible detail and most of us have spent time reading separate books within scripture, without ever understanding the WHOLE story and how those books fit together to tell one story…. a LOVE story.

If you are considering studying SEAMLESS  I assure you, you won’t  be disappointed!

I have created some study sheets using the icons Angie provides in her book, to help us with a visual reminder of each section of the Bible. These icons have been so GREAT, and are right up “my alley” in the journaling process of creating a visual reminder of God’s truth.

Click on the image below for the COVER PAGE

Click on the link below for the content pages.

(If you print the content separately from the cover sheet, you can print them front and back)

Seamless Review Sheet/ Content pages

Just thought I’d share:)








I’m still wading in deep water as I read through the book of Numbers! I am so thankful for the amazing APP “READ SCRIPTURE”

If you are using it too, I encourage you to donate to this talented group of believers! All they do, they GIVE AWAY…FOR FREE! ❤

Thank you Bible Project!!!

Reminds me of this quote from “SAME DIFFERENT AS ME.”

HERE IS a highlight sheet, with the help of those great kids over at THE BIBLE PROJECT.

CLICK the image above for a pdf

Blessings to you on this Sabaath day.




Psalm 33


Today’s reading is in Leviticus (11-13) and the Psalms. It is definitely a nice balance. Leviticus is quite challenging to read and hard to understand. A big part of the challenge is cultural, but I think we also suffer the spoiled child syndrome.

In our sin nature and puffed up self, we can easily rationalize our “basic goodness.” “I’m pretty good…I’m definitely better than.______”

We have the luxury of the Holy Spirit…of the great atonement of the cross. We don’t live in the age of rituals…where we might fear that our God will stike us dead if we enter the Holy of Holies. Through His great love, He has “walked through the pieces” for us (Abrahamic Covenant). He is holding up OUR end of the agreement…His sacred covenant to Abraham extends to us and the future generations. Through Christ WE are seen as Holy.

Isn’t that so hard to wrap you’re mind around???!!

Oh what a good Father we have. He is patient, slow to anger, steadfast in love and mercy…and in that great love, willing to give us what we don’t deserve.

I am grateful beyond words for my new life. The old life was dark and dead.

It is with great joy and humbleness that I CAN say I “SING A NEW SONG!”



Happy Monday!




Well, here we are…in Leviticus!

Oh, my…so much to take in! Very thankful for the great folks at READ SCRIPTURE APP for illustrating and simplifying our reading! Broken down it looks like this….

Click on the image above for the pdf 🙂

Hope this is a help to you!


Exodus / Part 1 and Part 2

Good day!

If you’re joining me as I read through the Bible in one year…we are headed to Leviticus.

I did these two pages to highlight some of Exodus.

(To see the start of my journey and the original post about this process with the app READ SCRIPTURE CLICK HERE)

It’s definitely challenging to get all the reading done, especially with the addition of the Bible Study I am in currently (SEAMLESS by ANGIE SMITH) but the 2 go hand in hand!

To see the Doodle pages only, click on “Doodle through the Bible” in my menu.

As always, click on the images for the pdf.


Hope these are helpful to you! They sure help me remember the highlights!
