Doodle 101 “Rooted in Christ”


I love that here in Colossians it says that we are not only established in faith through our ROOTS (in Christ), but we are also BUILT UP!

Can’t we ALL use a little BUILDING UP?!

I am praying that we would each LOOK to the Lord for our strength…AND that we would also FIRST LOOK to Him when we need “BUILDING UP!”

(& not social media, our achievements, our status….you know the list)

What a loving promise our Father keeps!

He’s ALL ABOUT LOVE …boy, am I grateful for that.

Don’t EVER FORGET, that He’s rather die, than be without you:)

Blessings to you,


Doodle 101 / Love is


This quote is from Greg Boyd.  

I first heard him speak at one of our local churches, and his definition has stuck with me ever since.

Hope it resonates with you today.

“We love because he first loved us.”  – 1 John 4:19

Blessings to you this Lord’s day:)

Doodle101 / The Rooster


The enemy likes to haunt us with our past, but the “stains there, do not disqualify us from sharing the living hope of Jesus.”  (-Lisa Harper)

We may go back to those feelings of shame and guilt but our Savior lifts our chin to look UP…that we might see the bigger picture…that we would see Him.

Christ knew then, what He knows now…we make mistakes…sometimes we even deny His name (putting our own before His) but He LOVES us through it.

As a sinner who has been saved, you & I  have been called to proclaim the hope that set us free.

Praying that the Lord would cause your eyes to look up.



Getting ready for the next Bible Study & Journaling Class:)




I’m listening to Laura Story…such a constant for me this past month as our church prepares to welcome her as the Keynote Speaker for our 4th Annual Women’s Conference…“Indescribable”. 

As I sit here feeling inspired by Laura’s incredible song lyrics, I have been thinking about my current “to do” list.

*Conference Journal/program

*Winter Session of Women’s Bible Study

Bible Journaling classes

*Etsy products ready for shop

…AND, it’s surprising how often I “sell” my God “short”.  He knew all along, that all of these working pieces would come together in just the right way…HIS…if only I was a better listener!

God has given me a teacher’s heart, and anytime I have the privilege of coming along side another, it brings me the greatest joy, but what often gets in my way is my missing left brain…the right has completely taken over!  So, as result, my creative bones often run ahead of the Lord because they have no “reason.” So, instead of REALLY listening, I was drowning out the voice of the Holy Spirit with my talking-which left me feeling overwhelmed.

Anyway, Brecken, my sweet sweet, VERY TALENTED Sister in Christ (we met online in the Journaling Bible Community and Documented Faith communities) and I have been praying, creating, and dreaming together about ways to be a support and encouragement to other women who are pursing God with their hearts and their hands:)  It looks like all these moving pieces I mentioned compliment one another and instead of working independently, they will be used together:)

(I finally took a “break” from some of the “busy” long enough to really listen!)

The above pictures are kind of a “sneak peak” of the combination Bible Study and Art Journaling class I am preparing to teach in February.

I will post more about it later!

Thank you for taking the time to read my posts and Doodle with me!

…but, most of all, may God bless you as you seek Him with your whole heart:)

If you’re not a part of these wonderful Bible Journaling Communities, check them out by clicking on the links below:


Doodle 101 / Bee Brave


I had trouble sleeping so I got up to Doodle.  My friend Jenn keeps coming to my mind and heart.  She asked me to pray for she and her husband as they step out in faith to speak in front of a crowded arena today.

This would make anyone shake in their boots!

…and to think, just a few short years ago, it took everything Jenn had in her, to step foot in our church for Bible Study.  God met her where she was with all the love of a GOOD GOOD Father to provide everything she needed.  He has grown her faith, given her strength, patience, confidence, wisdom, peace, JOY… She IS and OVERCOMER in Christ.

Jenn’s great God even restored her marriage and gave she and her husband KINGDOM work to do…TOGETHER.

I am praying this morning that God’s glory would be seen through their story…I would pray for them to be brave…but compared to the paralyzing fear of judgement, rejection, & not measuring up as she walked into Bible Study for the first time, standing before a crowded arena is a walk in the park…BECAUSE NOW…


Who she is & WHOSE she is.

I’m so proud of you Sister…You’re one of the bravest.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” -Deuteronomy 31:6

“To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  -Colossians 1:27

Bee Brave…through Christ you CAN do ALL things:)


Doodle 101 Praying…pleading


God’s POWER is made perfect in our weakness.

We have been brought up to BE STRONG….not weak.  No wonder we find it hard to surrender.

God has something for us in every circumstance, so while we are praying for  “it” to leave us we are MISSING the very “thing” God longs to do within us…the blessing that seems so “disguised”.  We want to tell God what we need, when duh, He already knows:)

Contentment comes from the assurance that our God and Creator is ALL we need.  He is sufficient.

It is only there, with Him (through His Grace), that we can ACTUALLY BOAST of our weakness…so that CHRIST’S power will be “upon us.”

-in surrender we FIND and can UTILIZE HIS POWER…instead of trying so hard and failing in our own.

May we LEARN what it means to be content in Christ…that is becomes a reflection in our prayers…that we would not ask for God to take us from our circumstance, but that He would reveal Himself within it.

