Art Journal Swap:)

I am participating in a Journal Swap with a group of talented artists.  It is so cool to receive someone else’s journal in the mail and then  have the opportunity to “add to” what they’ve already started.

(We each chose a “theme” word for our Journal)

As we create pages in each book we receive, we then send them on to the next person.

When we are through, we will each have a beautiful journal filled with art from our new journalling friends who have given us a unique perspective…a “fresh” look at the theme of our heart:)

I chose the word GRATEFUL.  I have learned that in our praise back to God we find His presence.  If we focus on the many blessings in our lives, the things we used to see as obstacles become opportunities…

God changes not what we see, but HOW we see it:)

Here is the first “spread.”

Journal swap

Journal swap

Journal swap

More to come!  Along with Tutorials:)

When nothing seems enough….

A sweet friend of my daughters is going through a very difficult time.  She is a Mommy to a beautiful 3 year old and is diligently caring for her husband who has stage 3 cancer.

I know that God didn’t promise that our life would be easy…He actually promised that it would be hard.

God’s ways are not our ways…I’m so glad that God is not just a BIG US.  If I could understand Him completely, than He’d be like me.  Aren’t you glad I’m not God!

(words from Priscilla Shirer:) )

John 16:33

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

In Christ, we are each over comers…this world is not our home…so we should not try to be too comfortable…

He is preparing a place for us…but in the meantime…we are here to learn LOVE.

I can’t begin to understand why some have cancer…why some suffer at the hands of others…Why so many things seem unfair in light of our limited understanding…limited by a human mind and an earthly perspective.

The story is bigger than you and me…longer than our short time in this place we now call home.

When others are enduring such struggles in life, nothing ever seems to be enough…

Words to say…help to give…reassurance…hope…love…some roads we must walk in life feel so lonely…like no one else is going through what we are experiencing…especially the pain.

The most we can do is pray….sometimes it seems like that is ALL we can do….must do.

I know that God has given us each a purpose…and that He has equipped us to fulfill this purpose.

We are called to love.  To walk along side our brothers and sisters,

using God given gifts to express love… and in doing so, find a joy and satisfaction that is kind of indescribable.

With only a few days to visit, I loved this young Mother the best  I could…with a hug, a listening ear, a Mother’s touch, and a gift…something I knew how to do that could be a reminder when I’m gone that someone cares.

A Canvas for her sweet child…

MIna's Canvas

MIna's Canvas

MIna's Canvas

I know that this little life is a special blessing.  One who is already loved, accepted, forgiven, chosen, adopted…like each of us…because it brings our Father pleasure:)

A Letter Journal to my Daughter

Hello fellow mixed media lovers, I am up today with a project highlighting both our

Frog Dog Studio February Kit, along with Sin City Stamps.

 I will also be featuring, Amazing Crafting Products Clear Cast Resin and Pan Pastels.

Sometimes I  create for the sake of creating…it’s an outlet, relaxing and satisfying…but often, I try to create projects that are lasting and with specific purpose…this project is the latter.

A Letter Journal to my Daughter:)

I started with this great Butterfly Mini Chipboard Journal from Sin City Stamps.  It came with 2 pieces of chipboard and several white pages (sturdy mixed media paper)  to go inside.

I covered the front and back of my journal (chipboard pieces) with black gesso, to allow a nice contrast for the Pan Pastels I would add.

I “inked up” the large Butterfly stamp from the set with Versa Ink from our kit, and pressed it onto the front piece.  Next, I used a small sponge applicator (our kit came with some of these) to brush on the Pan Pastel color.  I actually blended a white and blue to achieve a slightly lighter shade.

 Below, you can see how you can blend colors right in the “pots”, and when you are finished, simply wipe the colors with a clean applicator and your color is back to it’s true shade.

*To clean applicator simply rub a few times across a paper towel.  You will see the color stop coming off the applicator, and then you know its clean)

Above, you can see where I added more color on top for a bit of contrast.

I actually used a small dry paint brush for this, wiping the brush on a paper towel in between colors.

When you are finished adding color with the Pan Pastels, you can “set” the color with water, a fixative spray or even hairspray, to prevent the “chalk” from rubbing off.

Next I added some detail with a uni-ball signo pen in white. (flowers, butterflies, and sentiment)

AND…I used the Faber Castell White Gelato from our kit, to accent the journal’s outside edges.

 In order to make this piece more beautiful and durable, I added Amazing Clear Cast Resin.

Follow the products simple directions.  (Mix part A & B, stir and pour!)

I used a very small amount (about 1 tsp. of each part A & B) careful to stop slightly short of the very edge to prevent the Resin from flowing off the piece.

I used an old clean paint brush to spread the resin across the butterfly. After I was finished, I rinsed the brush in warm soapy water and in the morning my brush was good as new:)

I let the piece set overnight.

 I created the pages inside just like I did the cover. (minus the resin)

Versa mark, Stamp, Pan Pastel.

I blended the blue with a bit of white for a lighter shade like I did with the cover.

Once I created the background color, I wrote the “letter to my daughter” using a Scarlet Lime pen.

I added an extra large jump ring to hold the journal together, then added a charm, a key,

and a few pieces of ribbon.

 I just love this Butterfly Stamp set and Chipboard Journal from Sin City!  

They were perfect for this project.

The sentiment around the front cover is one that is very special to me…

“Wired into a creature who looks nothing like a Butterfly, 

is the complete identity of a Butterfly!”

(just like the lack luster caterpillar whose true identity is the miraculous Butterfly…so are we created for so much more!)


My dear daughter,                                                                                                                                                                            You were created with intent and a unique purpose that requires you to be like no other.  Be confident, not arrogant and be the best encourager of others so they can be lifted up to find their purpose too.  Be ok with failure because thats where you will learn life’s greatest lessons. (2 Cor 12:9) Be kind forgiving and compassionate, because nobody gains anything from being the opposite of these.  These fruits will not be in your life unless you are connected to the source.  Without it, you will be lacking in love, joy peace, patience kindness, goodness, self-control, gentleness and faithfulness.  Remember that secrets always have a cost and that honesty is always the best policy.  Be faithful, believing in something much bigger than yourself, because the world is not about you.  Be strong and courageous (Josh 1:9) because life is not easy and will require a strength beyond your limited power…but remember also, that all things are possible.  (Phil 4:13)  Be thankful because a thankful heart finds joy and contentment.  In our praise we find the presence of God, our Father.  Be honest and loyal speaking truth in love, standing firm through the best and the worst of times.  Honor and love God, be a true helpmate to your husband, train your children in the way they should go (Deut 6) and place your identity in Christ, for you are His heir because you are loved.

(the content of this journal was inspired by One Mother’s Inspirational Letter to her Child…

 Hope you are inspired to create your own Letter Journal using some of these great products:

 Frog Dog Studio February KitSin City Stamps

Amazing Crafting Products Clear Cast Resin and Pan Pastels.

As always, it is a joy to share with you!




My new “art friend” Sandra Strait (check out her blog here) introduced me to the coolest free drawing tool called Scribblers (& Scribblers 2)

I don’t claim to understand how it works…but I can tell you, you need only a creative finger:)

Thanks Sandra for sharing with us!!!


 I started with my simple Scribbler.

Go to

and play until you create an image you like:)

Then….add some color using markers, watercolor, pencils…whatever medium you enjoy!



Here are some larger shots of the others I did today:)

Scribbler:Moo IMG_3619

Scribbler:bemine scribblers

Scribbler:girl scribblers

Scribbler:owl scribbler

Scribbler:2birds scribblers

Scribbler:bee scribblers

scribblers IMG_3613

Hope you enjoy playing with this super cool (and quite addictive) online tool!!!

It’s a blessing to share with you!


Are we too busy to actually “live in the present?”

Journal Page Tutorial

I just watched a movie called “About Time” with Rachel McAdams.  I liked it, up until the end…

and then I loved it:)

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 5.23.30 AM

The message: Living a  life without the need of a “do-over”  is possible, if we truly stop and appreciate each moment we have.  Each interaction, each snowflake, each raindrop, each kiss on the cheek or person in need…if we simply pay attention…stay present…not thinking of what lies behind or ahead…just now.

The Author Ann Voskamp puts it like this…

A Journal Page Tutorial

Below is a short tutorial:)


I used a white Gelato, “scribbling” and drawing loose shapes and then added blue and white Pan Pastel over the top.  The Gelato “pulls” the color of the Pan Pastel leaving those areas darker.

Below, I introduced more color using more Pan Pastels and then, using the white Gelato, filled in the circle stencil.  First, rub a bit in the center of each circle, then smear with your finger.

You’ll see further below that I later added Pan Pastel color over the Gelato, which highlighted the shapes and gave them dimension.



Below, I did the same process with another stencil of clocks.

It’s lovely how you can see the magnified view of my finger with red chalk deep in all it’s crevices:)



I “inked up” the Sin City Butterfly Stamp with Versa Mark, stamped on the project and again, rubbed Pan Pastel over the stamped image.  The Versa Mark also “pulls” the color of the pastels.



Below, I added a few random “patches” of translucent embossing paste.



Here’s what it looks like close up with color added over the top.


A few more details…



I recommend the movie and it’s sentiment.

Live present today!



A Loving God

We have been made in His image…in His likeness….with the opportunity to walk with Him and grow to be more like Him.  When I look at the beauty and complexity of life, I cannot help but see our God…our Father and the way that He loves us.

Loving Creator
Loving Creator

Loving Creator