Doodle 101 / Mountains


Every year we take our kids skiing out west to Park City, Utah. Now we are taking our grandchildren…where did the time go?

I am never more awed by God’s Glory, than when I look out over these mountains. It is a place that makes the statement “a mountain top experience” come to life for me.

I especially appreciate the imagery in Psalm 98

“let the mountains sing together for joy!”

I hear them up here, and I’m singing with them.




4 thoughts on “Doodle 101 / Mountains

  1. I stumbled upon your blog through Pinterest and I am so glad I did! I am wanting to do some of your tutorials for our Compassion kids and include the tutorial in letters to them. Thank you for sharing your gift!

    1. Yvonne, thank you so much for taking the time to share that with me! What a WONDERFUL idea!!!! I just love it!!! Bless You sweet sister, and thank you for caring for others in such a powerful way!! Xo

  2. I also stumbled across your blog through Pinterest and am absolutely inspired ! I’m teaching VBS crafts this upcoming week and hoping to take this lesson to teach some of the older kids who might not like the younger crafts ! Thank you so much.

    1. Love that Libby!!! Kids really seem to respond to the connection between journaling and scripture. They have a freedom we often lack as adults! Bless you for your service!!!

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