Ephesians One


Whenever I want to express to someone, who they are in Christ, I go to Ephesians 1.

Whenever I need to be reminded of the magnitude of our God’s Grace, I turn to these amazing truths.  My favorite graduation gift to give to a young women of Christ, is a necklace reminding them of this. (Instead of  “enjoy the Journey” I have the tag engraved Ephesians 1)

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Read Ephesians 1 today sweet Sisters, and ask the Lord to imprint your heart with the magnitude of His Word.  Stand tall and know who you are, and WHOSE you are.

No one can take that from you.

Memorize it…speak it…write it…BELIEVE it:)

You are LOVED by a “Good, Good” Father.

Bless you,


14 thoughts on “Ephesians One

  1. Love this Ephesians graphic. May I use it in small gifts that I am giving to families visiting our church?

  2. Hi, Sue! I appreciate your blog post very much. I pinned this to one of my Pinterest boards and it is the most frequently repinned from any of my pins. And I have lots of pins and boards! 🙂

    “May the Holy Spirit do a good work in each one of us that sees these doodled words. God’s word is alive.” In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    1. Oh, Anna…I appreciate your note more than you know! I am a sinner who has been rescued, and Ephesians 1 is so close to my heart. It is the Chapter I most share with others…especially teenage girls:) Our young girls need to hear the truth about WHO they are and WHOSE they are! God bless you sweet Sister, for sharing your heart and taking the time to encourage me! I am coming alongside you in prayer …that God’s Word would transform us all! Xoxoxox!

    1. Of course! Actually, I can create this in a better size for you and you can have them printed. I get my printed through uprinting:) when is your retreat?

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